Saturday, June 04, 2005

Real men don't blog, but do they write chick lit?

When looking about the net looking for things to post, I looked up the terms lad lit/dick lit. To my supprise the titles that came up were not uber-male tales of war and fighting, but books about imperfect males and their sexual and emotional inadequacies when it came to relationships. If this is true, then what is the difference between chick lit and lad lit? The most interesting article I found was by author Steve Almond, a lad lit/dick lit author who had no idea he was one. When he asked an audience at a literary panel exactly what the term ment, he was told that it was "books in which the male narrator explores his feelings about his romantic life". According to this definition, are any of the books we are reading "lad lit"? If the model author of lad lit is Hornby, and not Amis, is this writing intended for real men, or is it just chick-lit writen by male authors? Do 'real men' write chick lit?
The article can be found at here.
(dick lit is the American term and lad lit is the English term)


Blogger Dr. Stephen Ogden said...

I think we should all watch "High Fidelity" -- it is a book on my 342 course, "Among the Thugs" -- because your comment pretty much sums up my lextures!

1:14 a.m.  

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