Saturday, June 18, 2005

Is a Mitchum Man a Real Man?

I saw an advertisement today that said (more or less):

"If you've rescheduled your anniversary around poker night, you're a Mitchum Man"

Then I found this site.

Is THIS what it means to be a real man? Certainly not what women want... Do they?

I don't even really find this site funny... At least the Coors Light commercials are funny. There's a sort of seriousness here that appalls / offends me.

Also, I notice a link labelled "Not a Man -- Click here!", which takes you to Mitchum for Women products. Would any woman want to be a "Mitchum Woman" after seeing this?

I've heard someone refer to a man's "inner pirate". I think we can apply this idea here and to Francis Osbaldistone in Rob Roy.


Blogger Steve said...

Here's a great one:
"If 'ménage à trois' is the only French term you know, you are a Mitchum Man"

What does this say about French-speaking men? Maybe if they buy Mitchum products and spray themselves, it will beat the girly French language out of them -- or should French people just not be allowed to buy it? Can they really run this ad in Canada, where we are required to have at least a year or two of French in school?

Is someone going to call me a wussy, sissy momma's boy or what?

Anyhow, it's probably just an polemical attempt to get people angry and gain recognition... similar to the Spicy Paris Carl's Jr. Ads.

1:58 p.m.  
Blogger GBear said...

It's too early for something meaningful, and "thoughts from the hospital lobby" really isn't what anyone's looking for right now, but I can't let "a man's inner pirate" go without a giggle.

3:23 a.m.  

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